The exhibition “The portraits of the President of the Société de Législation Comparée” presents a short biography of each President, as well as his contribution to comparative law, through his work within the Société de Législation Comparée. This exhibition explores the meaning of "comparative law" for the Presidents of the SLC.
The exhibition starts in 1869, date of the creation of the SLC by Edouard Laboulaye and ends in 1996 with the mandate of President Georges Flécheux. This period covers almost 130 years of comparative law. Four periods structure the exhibition :
1. The creation of the Society (E. Laboulaye à C. Tranchant)
2. The International Congress of Comparative Law and its aftermath (C. Lyon-Caen à C.
3. The two wars (A. Arnauné à H. Decugis)
4. The international openness (J-P. Niboyet à G. Flécheux)
The exhibition recounts the evolution of the different functions of comparative law within this international organization. Since its birth, comparative law as a science of studying foreign legislation and means to improve legislation had different meaning. The International Congress of Comparative Law in Paris was the starting point of a comparative law as ‘a scientific and specialized discipline and universal science’, then comparative law was perceived as ‘a comparative method’, today it is seen as a mean to improve convergence between the different legal system rather than to establish similar rules.
The purpose of its exhibition is to search for the signification of the notion of ‘comparative law’ through the thoughts and the work of the main Presidents, which exercised different functions : judges in the administrative and judicial courts, professors, lawyers, … The perception of comparative law is constantly tested by the divers backgrounds of each President and hence falls into a international society always evolving.
This exposition is accesible at the premises of the SLC.